Milawa Ashed Chèvre

Milawa Ashed Chèvre
Our Milawa Ashed Chèvre (pronounced ‘shev’) pays tribute to two things we love: premium local milk from second-generation goat farmer Murray Gough, and the beautiful vineyards that surround us. The cheese is drained longer than fresh goat curd which creates a creamier mouthfeel and denser texture. Then we dust it with grapevine ash - a traditional preserving method which reduces the sharpness of the Chèvre. Our ash is made on site using clippings from the grapevine on our terrace. The vine was planted by founders David and Annie when they first bought the old butter factory site. Milawa is surrounded by vineyards, so grapevine ash is a perfect way to celebrate our region and honour traditional cheesemaking techniques. Delicious on pizza or crumbled through a salad
Goat’s milk, non-animal rennet, cultures salt and grape vine ash.
This product contains materials derived from goat’s milk.