
Are you our next home away from home? 

If you're looking to stock our award-winning cheeses in your shop, cafe or restaurant, please give us a call on 03 5727 3589 or email us on wholesale@milawacheese.com.au.

You can also view our full list of distribution partners below.

Credit Application 

If you’re interested in a credit account with Milawa Cheese Co, please complete the application form and email us at wholesale@milawacheese.com.au.

Download Credit Application

Our Distribution Partners 


Calendar Cheese Company, (03) 8645 4666, www.calendarcheese.com.au

Kirkfood, 1300 884 378, www.kirkfood.com.au

Gippsland Cheese, (03) 5622 3887, www.gippslandcheese.com.au

Bill's Farm, 0408 538 606, www.billsfarm.com.au

Savour and Grace 03 9371 1111 www.savourandgrace.com.au


New South Wales

Calendar Cheese Company, (03) 8645 4666, www.calendarcheese.com.au

Two Providores (02) 9565 2255 www.twoprovidores.com.au

Kirkfood, 1300 884 378, www.kirkfood.com.au

The Fearocious Feed  www.fearociousfeed.com.au 



Calendar Cheese Company, (03) 8645 4666, www.calendarcheese.com.au


South Australia

Calendar Cheese Company, (03) 8645 4666, www.calendarcheese.com.au

Say Cheese  (08) 8231 0347  

Cheese Culture www.cheeseculture.com.au



Calendar Cheese Company, (03) 8645 4666, www.calendarcheese.com.au

The Fearocious Feed  www.fearociousfeed.com.au


Western Australia

Calendar Cheese Company, (03) 8645 4666, www.calendarcheese.com.au