Creating the perfect platter

A beautiful platter laid out with a selection of Milawa cheeses, crackers, dried apricots, salami and grapes.

Are you ready to impress your guests with the ultimate cheese platter? Whether you're catering for a picnic, a special event, or a cozy night in, we have the tips and tricks to make your tastebuds do a happy dance.

  1. First up, you need to know how big of a crowd you're feeding. Consider the number of people you're catering for and where you’ll be enjoying it. Precut pieces of cheese are perfect for picnics, while a sturdy box with a lid is ideal for travel. At home, opt for a beautiful plate or board, complemented by small dishes for dips and antipasti to add dimension and height.

  2. Now to the fun part - the cheese! Experiment with different cheese shapes and styles. For example, include a white mould like Camembert or Brie, a washed rind such as King River Gold, a hard cheese like Cheddar, and a bold option like our Milawa Blue. Nobody likes to be the first person to cut into the cheese, so cut a small wedge from softer cheeses to encourage your guests to dig in! 

  3. Next up - find the perfect pairings. Pair the richness of your cheese with the vibrant hues of fruit & veg, such as green grapes, orange apricots, black olives and marinated capsicum. Add texture with figs, pomegranates, and honeycomb. Don’t forget a touch of meaty goodness with ham, salami, and prosciutto.

  4. Hosting a large gathering? Consider a grazing table, these are great for feeding a large crowd with a wide spread. Tip: Label your cheeses and accompaniments to guide your guests. Remember, presentation matters!

  5. Last but not least. Allow your cheese to reach room temperature before serving. Add biscuits and bread just before serving to maintain freshness. Ensure you have the right utensils – spoons and cheese knives are a must.

  6. Now we've told you all the things you should do, but what about what not to do? Yep, that's right, there is proper etiquette to serving and enjoying the perfect platter. We've listed some of our top tips to avoid below. 
  • Avoid placing the rind up on the board as you will drag the rind through the cheese.
  • Maintain the right rind to cheese ratio for an exquisite taste.
  • No Double Dipping! This is where the spoons and cheese knives come in handy. 
  • Less is more. Don’t over cater, start with a moderate amount and replenish as needed.

Now you should be ready to go forth and conquer the art of the perfect platter! If you're short on time or just want to make life simple, we offer a range of delicious cheese & platter packs for purchase in-store and online.